Monday, June 8, 2009

the 400 mile detour....

We had a great vitit with the families in CO, leaving for a 2 day trip down scenic highway 285, south through CO. It was a dreary day, misty, 37 degrees, but the views of the Collegiate Range were still spectacular.

We also visited the Great Sand Dunes National Park --- these dunes are beautiful. Our excursion out on them was limited, with a 25 mph headwind on the way back -- blowing sand, of course. Think they're small? Check out the size of the folks climbing them!
Next, into New Mexico to visit Luke's uncle Gust and aunt Wis in Albuquerque. En route, we stoped in Sante Fe. Yes, a little sidewalk shopping....
Then a side trip to Bandelier National Monument. This is one of the places where the Indians lived in cave homes carved out of the sides of the rocks. Most of the rooms are tiny.

After sightseeing, more sidewalk shopping, and a casino visit (Ask Luke how to win at Roulette!!!!! really!!!! Luke's note -- tripple your money, unfortunately only on an initial $20!) and a very nice visit with Gust and Wis, we headed out for the southern route home, through TX, OK, AR, and TN.

Only 50 miles out of Albuquerque, we saw the fateful sign "Roswell/Carlsbad Caverns this-a-way".... So, we suddenly opted for a 400 mile detour and are glad we did. NOW we're talking 101 degrees!
Roswell, home of the original reported alien landing in 1947 is as tacky as you can imagine.

The evidence in the UFO Museum is quite convincing, though.

In our usual friendly cruiser mentality, we did make friends with other cruisers....

No, really! See, they even invited us up to their spaceship... Here we are, getting ready to be beamed up, Scotty.

Then to a much more natural beauty, Carlsbad Caverns. The cave is over 600,000 sq ft in size. Incredibly large, and seemingly endless. Our photography can't do it justice. In the picture below, we can see for almost 100 yards, note the hand rails as a reference. Get a better look at

Finally, on Sunday, 12 days after leaving Roanoke, we made the final 900 mile trek homewards. We did stop in Menphis for a couple of hours, visiting the Elvis Presley Welcome Center. woo woo!!!!

And also the short monorail hop to Mud Island. The entire Mississipi delta has been carved into a 5 block walk - even updated for huricane Katrina. Cute.
Home finally at midnight, tired, and glad for our own bed. 5000 miles, 12 states, 12 days! We picked up poor old Wickie after 13 days at the vet ---- he's awfully glad to be home, too.

If all goes well, we'll head for Deltaville around the week after Father's Day, hopefully setting sail within a week after that. Next news, the trip towards Maine!


Nikki said...

isn't Bandalier gorgeous?? and kinda mind blowing?

Judy Hedrick said...

And I was in Carlsbad Caverns shortly after you all! It is amazing and truly awesome!