Wednesday, July 15, 2009


We left Provincetown determined to see whales again. We did! One big humpback fed around our boat for almost an hour. He would cruise the surface with his mouth open, seining for krill. This could last for several minutes. Humpbacks are baleen whales -- note the baleen between his upper and lower jaws.

Then he'd toss that big tail and dive deep back into the massive school of small fishes we could see in the water. Next, he'd pop up, mouth wide open, gulping huge quantities of fish as he surfaced. That is the roof of his mouth that you are seeing.

There were a lot of whales out there; you could see several spouts at the same time. It was amazing!

After drifting over the Stellwagen Bank, we went to Rockport, MA for the night. Rockport is a small town with great harbor shopping - per Luke - artsy and quaint galore.and per the literature, it has "the most painted fishing shack in the world", called "Motif 1". Well!!! We got SO lucky --- the only place they could accommodate us was at the dock beside Motif 1! It was beautiful. Here are a couple of pictures of Latitudes docked at Motif 1. As Luke says - we are now part of the art scene, and as the harbor master says, people will complain about having a "plastic boat" spoiling their pictures!

The dockage had it's advantages, but the 10 ft tidal range wasn't one of them...

Apparently they rent a LOT of kayaks, too...

For more info on Rockport and Motif 1, see,_Massachusetts

We had great clam chowder for dinner, a nice evening, and then on to Isles of Shoals, MAINE!!! for the night. This is the collection of 5 islands that create "Isles of Shoals". The main island, Star Island, has a big old hotel, owned by the Unitarian Church, and used for retreats. Very nice. There is a great lighthouse greeting you as you pass the first island, White Island.

and gulls with babies...lots of them..

It may be hard to see, but this gull is giving us the ultimate insult --- approaching us with a stick in her mouth. Not sure what it means, but it definitely means that we are lower than dirt!

As you walk the island trails, you have to carry a stick to in case of gull aerial attach. honest. They strike at the highest object.

It's beautiful here, very Maine-ish. We love it.

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