Monday, April 18, 2011

Savannah and Tybee Island

ahhhh....Back to Savannah.  We had a great visit with sister-in-law Beth.  Luke joins in the church choir rehersals when we visit!

If we are here on Sundays, he sings in the choir. 

We did the waterfront tour thing - here is a shot of the 150 foot barquentine sailboat Peacemaker.  Originally built in Brazil for an individual, she was brought to Savannah to be completed with her rigging.  It never got done until she was bought by the Twelve Tribes.  Twelve Tribes is tribal people from 12 different geographical areas of the world.   You can learn more about who they are by visiting their website  They were open for free tours, which we really enjoyed.

Savannah has a new WWII Memorial artwork piece on the waterfront.  It is "A World Divided".  Very interesting, although we're not clear on why it divides the US down the middle.

And of course, Savannah wouldn't be complete without a walk and stop through one her 20 squares. This one memorializes John Wesley, the founder of Methodism. His motivation and circumstances for founding his religion are an interesting story ......

Beth and I did a girls lunch - complete with a MAJOR haircut for me (I love it) and pedicures.  ahhhh....back in civilization.

After a few days with Beth, we returned to the boat for an afternoon of oil change and putting in a new battery. A few more little chores to get the boat all ready to leave, and we were ready for a weekend on Tybee Island.  Neighbors at home Connie and Mike bought a cottage here on the island and have created the cutest place on the island!   Paws &  Paddles will be for summer rental, but for now they are still enjoying it before summer.  Cute, cute place, within a 5 minute walk to the beach, lighthouse, and shops/restaurants. 

Tybee is referred to as the "long Branch" (NJ) of the South (by some). This is because it is the only southern barrier island that was developed for the middle classes of Savannah and nearby Georgia. All the other southern islands were owned or developed for the wealthy yankees who built their winter "cottages"  (mansions) on then -- Carnegie, Mellon, Vanderbilt, etc, and most retain much more of a McMansion atmosphere in contrast to Tybee's beach cottage setting.

Tybee has so much to offer - an early morning walk to the lighthouse for sunrise.

We rented an electric car for a little tour of the island~

A little beaching at the fishing pier, surrounded by souvenier shops, condos, and hordes of happy beach bodies

We had lunch at one of those places that advertises "your shrimp comes from HERE" with an arrow pointing downward, into the local water.  It WAS fresh and good shrimp.  Fun day ( and here's a shot of that shorrrrt hair)

Smoke loved being ashore, both at Beth's and Connie's.  It was the car ride that she hated, but she "shore" likes Connie's comfy porch chair.

All is currently going to plan.  We are 6 hours into a 48 hour passage, headed for Morehead City, NC. We are 8 miles from shore in THIRTEEN FEET of water!  No wonder I can't catch any stinking fish.....


Diane Willard Kaufman said...

WOW! thanks for sharing your adventures and thank you for sharing about Paws and Paddles!

Charlie and Ali said...

Great pictures! Looks like you guys are still having lots of fun. Connie and Mike's cottage looks adorable! See you soon!

Jane G. said...

Awesome vacation. Thanks for sharing. I got so excited for my Savannah and Tybee Island vacation next month because I also read a lot of great things about the place at