Thursday, September 8, 2011

Rain and Smokey the bird cat

Rain and rain.  The last of Lee, I guess.  We finally got a bit of a break this afternoon and ran off to town.  Glad to get off of the boat for a bit, we met Christine and Peter at the bus stop.  For $2, we got a good overview of the town and what it has to offer (like a real grocery store, strip mall, etc).  The day turned misty and chilly, so we headed back to our boats. 

After we returned, Smokey was just determined to be outside.  I found out why....a tern had decided to sit on our bow pulpit railing.  Totally oblivious to Smokey, it preened and sat happily.  As we watched in disbelief, Smoke sneaked up to within inches of the unwary bird.  Up she stood slowly on her hind legs, inching closer and closer.  Finally, close enough, she swatted the poor bird!  The bird flew off and all I got was a picture of Smokey perched on the bow of the boat, earnestly waiting for the bird to return.  The bird was sitting in the middle, on that shiney metal bracket.

We were afraid Smokey would jump for the bird, but I guess she figured out that she would end up in the water.  After deciding that the bird wouldn't return, Smoke sniffed everything, including climbing up on those wet, round railings.  Tail flailing to keep her balance, she did manage to walk on them a bit.  That is until I got there, retrieved her, and brought her below.  She must be a cat....

The weather is still looking good for a Saturday morning departure, with Norfolk as an ultimate goal, three sailing days later.

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