Friday, February 3, 2012

Today's report...

The ankle saga continues - after getting the scary MRI report in Vero, we called the specialist in Miami and discussed the surgery.  We have an appointment to see him on Monday.  We also talked the Rooaoke surgeon who diagnosed the problem.  Our inclination is to have the surgery done at home rather than struggling with crutches for a month while on the boat.  After our visit on Monday we should be able to decide what path to take.

In the meantime, Saturday is the 40th birthday of my older daughter, Heather - can't believe it!  Happy Birthday, Heather!

1 comment:

Janet said...

Uh, sorry to hear the less than ideal status of your ankle. I am glad that you have found out before you were somewhere remote without adequate medical care. Hang in there & keep us posted. Happy birthday to Heather!