Thursday, March 15, 2012

Much better

It's been a little over 2 weeks now and I'm feeling much better.  I find I can get out and about a bit (with my trusty knee scooter, of course).  The pain is usually gone and I feel better overall. 

We went to the doctor's a few days ago and had the initial surgical bandages removed, replaced with a cast.  Do you know how many cast cover options there are these days?  Puppy paw print, cammo, the American flag, all the usual colors, and more.

With March Madness upon us, I had to go with Carolina Blue.  The Tar Heel in me never goes away.

I'll spare you the picture of the actual incision, but trust me, I was most stunned at the size.  At least 6" long, with 13 stitches, across the top of my ankle bone ---- no wonder it hurt!  The doctor said it was a most impressive injury. 

I do still have to spend a great deal of time sitting with the foot propped up.  Smokey loves that.  Luke is doing a great job of being a house-husband and care taker.  Another month and hopefully I'll be able to put some weight on my right foot.  That will be a huge improvement in my life!

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