Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Rocky Mountain National Park, CO

We’ve been TO the Rocky Mtn. National Park several times, but never EXPLORED the park.  This time we had several days, including time spent with Erin and her family.  The park is a beautiful place, ready to celebrate the 100th anniversary of her park status in 2015.  There is scenery!
Rainbow Curve

Alpine Meadows

Glacier basin (our campground)


There are lakes!
Poudre Lake

Sprague Lake

Bear Lake


There are tourists! (it was 42 this morning….)

There are animals!

Townsend Chipmunks

The ground squirrels are larger and distinguished from the Townsend Chipmunks by the lack of a stripe through the eye area.  This little fellow was certain that if he stood perfectly still we couldn't notice him.  We got to about 2 feet before he made a run.


 Yellow bellied marmot -they hibernate in the rocks.


A stack of twigs at the stream side?

Yes, but Mother Nature is very clever … I almost missed this little sparrow, preening itself on the identically colored pile of sticks.


BIG elk, sunning and lazing in the grasses.


And of course, fields of elk.


We did take time to sit around the campsite, especially after dinner, for campfires.  Granddaughter Evelyn is ready to help Bompa with the fire duties.  It was a wonderful visit with the family.


 We are leaving on Tuesday, the day this will be posted (hopefully).  There is just no wifi or cell in the entire park, leaving us out of touch for 6 days.  I will post this after we leave the park and travel tomorrow.  A few days to drive home, a little sight-seeing on the way, and our grand RV adventure for the summer of 2014 will be over.


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