Friday, May 20, 2016

Still more prep

Whisk! First thing to the post office with the evil chart plotter.  Hopefully, we will get a kinder, more cooperative repaired one back in a couple of weeks.

Smokie is having a wonderful time -she has found a new toy.  A tiny little 3" long piece of stiff string.  I have no idea where it came from.  She kills it repeatedly, pounces on it like a stuffed mousie, throws it into the air, and rabbit-foot's it.  Here is the string toy, the only thing in focus in this photo.  The rest is a blur of excited cat.

And a fine toy it is, being thrown in the air!  That is neglected Mousie at her feet.

We had less fun.  Well, everyone has less fun than a cat with a bit of string...

We decided to put new depth markers on our anchor chain.  This markers are set every 25 feet - they let me know how much I've let out when we are anchoring.  Here is all 200 feet of chain plus anchor, stretched out on the dock.

Looking at the chain, we noticed that the first 125 feet or so - the length we use most - was looking a bit rusty.  The remaining 75 feet looked better.  So, Luke reversed the chain, putting the more used section at the end of the 200 feet, giving us 75 feet of "newer" chain to use when we anchor.  Of course, that meant changing all of the markers!  Silver - new, brown - rusty

Luke also washed Latitudes.  It was badly needed.  He did a good job washing, I sprayed down and rinsed off.  Smoke helped by sleeping in the cockpit (worn out from killing String, I guess).  Here's Luke, all but finished, scrubbing down the last bit of the stern of the boat.

Solid rain is called for tomorrow, plus a small craft advisory.  We will be staying put here at Ruarks.  If the forecast holds, Latitudes will be back in business on Sunday, en route to Tangier Island!

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