Monday, November 29, 2010

Still in Deltaville, but making progress

Well, we're still in Deltaville, but a departure is getting closer.  Most of the things we brought from home have been stowed.  Some projects are finished, unlike the leaking faucet which needs a replacement, not the rebuild we tried.

A correction from the last post --- Nikki did NOT participate in the Turkey Trot... it was the Drumstick Dash!!!  Turkey, drumstick...
Lisa, husband Matt, and 2 yr old Simon met us in Williamsburg on Saturday.  It was a beautiful, clear, crisp fall day and we had a great visit with them.  We toured the historic area.

Grandson Simon met his first St. Nicholas.  That candy cane outweighted any hesitancy he may have had.

Back at the boat on Sunday, we did a lot of stowing while Luke worked on the installation of our new life raft. Pictures to follow in the next post.

Little Smokey is at home (oh, just wait till we set sail and the clanging and banging and heeling start...).  She is comfortable enough to kill her toys, and unfortunately, to kill those mysterious moving thingies under the bedcovers.  She's also discovered that Wickie's favorite red quilt is a comfy place to nest.

The hope had been to leave mid week, but Wednesday has an 80% chance of rain and thunderstorms right now.  That may well delay our departure. Thursday and Friday look good for a trip down the Chesapeake as long as everything is ready to go!

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