Monday, November 29, 2010

A test....

First, a little test. I should have done this last time. While we were in Williamsburg, we saw the most wonderful Christmas lights. They were vertical strings, with three 6 inch segments of lights, spaced about 18 inches appart.  The LEDs within the segments and the segments themselves were lit sequentially downward, creating the impression of falling snow or ice. Cool! Luke thought that one string of those lights would be great to help us find our boat in the midst of many at night in the Bahamas.  Sooooo..I dutifully went into the store and asked about the price.  What do you think?  I'll finish the blog so you can think about it and then tell you.

We continue to plod forward. A nice young man delivered and installed a new starting battery for the boat (heavy and in an difficult place). Things always take longer than expected. Luke did some work on the dinghy today.We decided to put some pulling rings on her, to help us tow the dinghy and to pull it up onto shore.  Here's the work in process.

After attaching the pulling eye, we had to deflate the dinghy to REALLY press hard on the glued attachment.  A 24 hour wait, and then hopefully we can inflate the dinghy and all will be well.

Smoke is playing cat and finding all hiding places.

We got a lot done - the boat is in a more livable state, we have hot water, electricty, and heat, but also frustrations.  The canvas repair was incorrect and we had to take a piece back.  Maybe another piece tomorrow, too.  The faucet repair needs to be a replacement.  Rain tomorrow evening and Wednesday. The life raft installation didn't quite get finished. We're not sure when we can leave.  It may be late this week or possibly early next week.  sigh.

But Luke and Smokey are taking it in stride.  I'm going to take it in stride in our electric-blanket heated bed, very soon!

Oh, and those lights?  For one string with 3 little 6" LED sections ----- $400 per string!!!!!  (we didn't buy any.....but they're on our Christmas list if anyone feels generous!!!)

1 comment:

Ali and Charlie said...

Hey there! Thanks for the nice card. We really enjoyed having you all here. Everyone thought you were so nice! Hope you are staying warm on the boat. It's been windy and chilly here on the mountain. Keep in touch. Enjoying your posts and pics. 28 days before we head south ...

Ali and Charlie