Monday, December 20, 2010

Charleston and Low Country SC

Remember that I mentioned that we have seen eagles?  Here's one big boy!  We saw him along the ICW, as we neared Charleston last night.

Along the way, we also saw a graveyard of abandoned fishing boats.  So many dreams lost...

As we came into the Charleston harbor, we saw her trademark long bridges

Fort Sumter

Historic homes facing the harbor

And as night fell, a full moon over Charleston

We awoke this morning to "the secong coldest December day on record"...what are we doing wrong!!!  I just want some warmth!!!

Diesel and water at the City Marina (ice on the dock...) and off to futher south,  We made it almost to Beauford, SC.  It was 45 today, and sunny.  That made the world of difference in our cockpit enclosure.  Felt like summer!!  We finally shed our trusty flannel lined jeans and double sweatshirts for a while. Smokey liked it, too.

We had yet one more swing bridge as soon as we left Charleston.  This one opened only at 9a.m., giving us a 2 hour late start.

The low counrty through here is beautiful, although the ICW is not as well maintained as some states manage.  We had a lot of low water in areas where deep water was shown on the charts.

Smokey helped me anchor.  As the weather is warmer and less windy, and we are more comfortable with her cat-like prowess, we are more apt to allow her to roam the outside of the boat.  SHE loves it --- we worry.

and another full moon over the river north of Beaufort, SC.  Tonight is supposed to be a full lunar eclipse!  Hopefully we'll have new pictures tomorrow!

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