Monday, December 30, 2013

Back at Latitudes

It always take too long to leave the house - there always seems to be just one more thing we want to take with us!  But we finally managed to leave and had a safe trip here.

Smoke was most unhappy this morning -she knew something was amiss and it would involve her.  She tried hiding but she's no match for me! Then she just settled down and slept the whole way on the back floorboard. She seems to actively like the boat and has checked out all of her hiding holes and now is settled down for the night on the bed, beside me as I type. well, the electric blanket IS on...

I had minor finger surgery this fall, a little bone spur, arthritis, and such. The incision has healed and I was doing fine.  A few days ago  I just barely scraped the top of my incision area with a fingernail.  It didn't bleed or split but apparently the abrasion was just enough to allow bacteria to enter. It has slowly but surely gotten sore, swollen, and painful. I called the ortho today and his nurse said to get my buns in to a dr and get an antibiotic.  So we spend a few hours at an urgent care facility this afternoon after arriving here.  Very nice place and wonderful doctor.  I've got my meds and directions to for moist compresses.

My Rx was $100 generic as prescribed, $40 for a generic with the same active ingredient but something slightly different in the coating.  The pharmacist swore it doesn't make any difference.  But the long shot is that those are my costs using my Rx card. If I bought it without using insurance? $25.  Thank goodness for local, small pharmacy guys who care!

Lots more to put away tomorrow.  Tonight the perishable food is stowed and the bed is made.  It's been a long day and we are all 3 ready for our first night of this winter 2014 sailing trip on Latitudes.  Good night!

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