Thursday, January 2, 2014

Welcoming in 2014 with the Oriental NC dragon

The end of one year and the beginning of a new!  Always a time for reflection and hopes.  One hope is a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone!

We ended the old year with more boat preparation.  Luke put water in our tanks

I had the exciting challenge of stowing our provisions for 4 months.  Trust me, there are more bags...

Sweet Smoke has immediately accepted life as a boat cat.  She likes watching the movement in the water from the stern of the boat

But she LOVES laying in her special spot in the cockpit, basking in the sun.  Smart cat

On Tuesday evening we drove to Oriental, NC for New Year's Eve with Bonnie and Peter.  Oriental's "mascot" is a dragon.  The dragon comes out each New Year's Eve to celebrate with everyone, welcome in the new year, and give good luck to those who touch him. The town has only 500 or so residents, but we guess there were about 200 of us crowded in a 2 block area along the waterfront.

The appearance of the dragon is accompanied with happy pot and pan clanging or noise makers or cow bells or whatever you might have.  It's very festive and a lot of people want the extra experience and luck by touching the dragon's somewhat over-sized teeth.

Seems that a few years ago, an over exuberant soul managed to damage a couple of teeth.  Dragon was put out of commission until proper dental work could be done.  In the meantime, local  officials decided that there was too much party and no more dragon.  This did NOT go over well with the locals.  So - a group funded the purchase of Dragon #2.  This is a smaller dragon, moved with traditional poles and chasing the elusive flaming pearl (also known as the sun).  Check out an interesting background on it by clicking flaming pearl. She entered amid smoke from a boater's small cannon, making her first appearance along with Dragon #1.

and she is quite lovely

For those who believe in the Spirit Orbs, we had one at the festivities.  Seems even those who have passed on like to watch.  This was the only photo that had an orb.  And no, it's not the moon - cloudy and overcast, plus a New Moon night.

The night ended with The Dropping of the Croaker. Times Square may have it's crystal ball, but Oriental celebrates with the local fish, the croaker.  Not the best picture, but this 3 foot-ish wooden fish is lighted, hoisted up a boat's mast, and is carefully started to drop at 11:59. 

I think we'll take small town New Year's any year!  Lots of fun.

Today it is raining, tomorrow is supposed to be gale winds. We are here for a few more days.  I still have some provisioning to put away and a little more to buy.  We are safe, warm, and dry..especially Smokey who still loves her soft blankie, double warm with the electric blanket.  Ahhh...the life of a spoiled cat

1 comment:

Wade said...

We also have a 420 and have really enjoyed your blog. We found your blog while looking at Oriental 2014 dragon pictures quite by accident. We were also at the 2014 Miami Boat Show when you were. We are very interested in cruising beginning late this fall or next spring and would LOVE to talk to you both. Please contact us at

Thanks you,
Wade & Amy
s/v Anticipation Too
Oriental, NC