Monday, August 1, 2016

Escape from Somes Sound

Internet!  We are Down East, with few towns and sparse population, but we have better internet than we had on Mt. Desert Island (Acadia). It has been our experience that a lot of the national parks just don’t have any internet towers.
We finally broke free from Somes Sound again, this time leaving the crowds for Down East.  Few towns, few services, and a lot of beautiful Maine.  And not as many lobster floats!!!  But, one last nod to the wealth of the Mt. Desert area, with a couple of summer cottages on the cliffs along the ocean.


Our first night away from Acadia was spent at Winter Harbor.  The small marina here has the distinction of researching, collecting, and now owning all nine of the Winter Harbor 21 sailboats in existence.  All are beautifully meticulously restored.


From Winter Harbor, we headed another 42 miles from civilization to wonderful Roque Island.  Roque is the largest of the 9  islands that makeup the archipelago.  She starts with a 1 mile long white sand beach. 


When we arrived, a group of 6 lobster boats were rafted together, apparently having a grand time.  Lots of laughter, children playing on the beach, music, and fun.  When they finally broke up early in the evening, one of the last boats came by Latitudes.  He had 8 lobsters left from the party and wanted to offer them to the 3 sailboats anchored here.  We gratefully took two!  Had them for dinner tonight!


Today was an assortment of chores.  We started the heat pump this morning (yes, heat…) and noticed that the generator's temperature gauge climbed a bit too high.  After some investigating, Luke found the problem – the water pump impeller for the generator had a little problem…


Fortunately, Luke always carries lots of spares and the repair was made.

Cookies were made by me.


Luke celebrated by taking the dinghy for a row around the area.  Good exercise!


We plan to stay here tomorrow and then to the town of Jonesport.

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