Monday, January 21, 2013

no part, but a cruiser party

Still no part, of course, so we decided to go for a little walk on the island. Spectacular! The center rocky island houses Thunderball Cave -- used in the movie.

Back at the bar for a beer after our walk, we ran into cruisers we have met in the past.  Always nice to catch up with old friends.  A cruisers cocktail hour was scheduled for this afternoon, at 5, to watch the sunset.

Back at the boat to spend the hot afternoon, I took a picture to show the view from our “waterfront home” for the last week.

Smokey was content to just take a bath.  She’s adopted  a gray mat, making it harder than ever to see her.

Finally, evening and the beach.

We watched the sun set and saw the most beautiful, clear green flash we’ve ever been witness to.  A fellow boater got a fantastic picture of the flash.  I'm going to get a copy of that and will post asap!

Good night, sun!

 Monday ---- no part, no update from UPS, but the dealer has offered to reorder our part and reship.  It's a start.  Internet at the anchorage has gotten marginal, so we wait.

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