Thursday, January 17, 2013

Piggies and water

As a follow on to the last blog, friends Martha and Bill caught this great picture of Latitudes under sail, reefed main, full jib,  heading into the anchorage.

Now safely at our anchorage in Staniel, we have been doing fun things.   The swimming piggies at Big Majors have friends this year – chickens.  Ol’ McDonald of the islands….

Those pigs are still big, 400 pounds or so, and they ARE scary when they take to the water and come towards the dinghy, expecting scraps.

The dock at Staniel still has at least 8 nurse sharks lolling in the warm, relatively shallow water.

And a view of the  waterfront of Staniel –

A nice rain squall produced enough water to rinse off Latitudes and to produce this spectacular end-to-end rainbow.

And, Martha and Bill caught this dramatic picture of the rainbow also, this time including Latitudes.

Off to town for a bit of groceries at the Blue Store (the Pink Store was closed), plus a bladder full of water.  We have a new system this year – a 50-ish gallon water bladder that sits in the bottom of the dinghy.  Fill up the bladder, motor sloooowly back to Latitudes, use Luke’s rigged-up pump to send the water upwards into one of our water tanks, and Presto!  A full water tank without the carting and lifting of heavy 5 gallon jugs.  Worked  perfectly!

We met up with our mechanic heros in town and had them over for sun downers – great to get to know the patient wives and the hard working husbands better.

 Tonight we were invited to Martha and Bill's boat for dinner - and it was wonderful; we enjoy spending time with them.  Unfortunately, I forgot my camera.  We did see our first green flash of the season!!!

The spare part is en route to Ft. Lauderdale, home of the little airline that brings people and freight to Staniel.  With a lot of luck, our starter could arrive on tomorrow's flight.  A lot of luck.

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