Thursday, May 22, 2008

still workin'

Still working. We hope this will be one of the last pushes before we can leave. Lucky little Wickie got his first car trip and exposure to the boat this time (we want to stay for over a week, so decided to bring him along). After a light sedative that made him into a groggy, limp, and uncoorporative cat, and 6 hours, we made it to Latitudes. I think he has finally forgiven us for the car ride. Plus he seems to have gotten comfortable enough with the boat that he isn't spending all of his time in the back berth. Now THAT is one RELAXED cat!!!

Not very sure of the topside cockpit yet, though.....

Luke has finished the solar panels installation. They worked perfectly today, giving us electricity all day! I'm working on shade screens, compliments of a borrowed sewing machine from our boat neighbor Nancy.

Tomorrow we will try to bring over the new dinghy, inflate her, and get her on the dinghy davits. That will be a big step towards being ready to leave.

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