Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Luke is fine

The surgery went just as expected - well. Luke was in surgery only 30 minutes. The doctor said that the tear was actually an old tear, years old, that has recently degraded, probably due to use and age. A little arthritis, too, that the dr. cleaned up. Luke had a spinal,block anesthesia so there are no negative affects like nausea and grogginess. The only current affect is that his butt is numb. :-)
He's resting comfortable now, in the cockpit of the boat, alert, Wickie helping as usual. Luke has to keep the leg elevated with ice on it for the next 48 hours and then can begin a few exercises. Pain meds as needed.
Ever since the incident that sparked all of this 3 weeks ago, he would walk normally with only a hint of ache in the right knee. Luke hasn't really had any pain, just the dull "clunk" in the knee. He wasn't absolutely convinced that the surgery was necessary until mid day yesterday when he stood up and the knee went "thunk" - pain and swelling, difficulty in walking. This was exactly what the doctor said could happen - no real complications until the knee decided to "go". We know now he made the right decision.
The folks at the surgery center were great. The anesthesiologist brought us back to the boat and got Luke back in the boat and settled down.
We have friends from the marina in Deltaville who are in Morehead City now, too. Sally and Ed are docked beside us at the Sanitary Restaurant. It's fun to have someone else here. We went for pizza and the game on Monday night, drinks and sandwiches last night. They will have Christmas dinner with us tomorrow.
So, a successful and pleasant experience at a nice lemonade stand.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Guys....
Glad to hear all went well with Lukes surgery.
Nic that you bumped into Ed & Sally for the holidays...
great pics as usual!! Take Care!!