Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Wickie scare and he's still here!

We had terrible scare with little Wickie--- we spent all of Wednesday with our friends Gloria and Mike. We met them in West End, Bahamas, this past February. We had gone sight-seeing in Maine, shopped the LL Bean outlet (yes!), went lobstering with them (Mike maintains 5 lobster traps)

and had a most wonderful fresh lobster dinner with them, shared with the 2 sweet dogs and 1 lobster-mad beautiful cat.
When we returned to the boat, it was obvious that Wickie had been sick several times. Then he was sick a couple of times after we returned. Hadn't eaten all day. later in the wee morning hours, he became sick again, this time even worse.
So, our wonderful friends Gloria and Mike gave us their vet's name, took us for the appointment, didn't mind the cat fur in the car, stayed with us, and brought us home again. Luke and I were both afraid this might be the "slippery slope" to the end, but fortunately, Little Wickie has only a bad urinary track infection. A shot of penicillin, a shot for the nausea, an antibiotic, an Rx for more antibiotics, a couple of blood and urine workups, $$$, and our baby is back home again. He ate and then slept blissfully for the rest of the day.

If it had been a downward spiral of the kidney failure, the decision/outcome might have been different. This was fortunately taken care of with a few antibiotics. So, we're all relieved....

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