Sunday, February 7, 2010


We've been in Georgetown for a couple of days, met up with friends Heather & Ken.  Provisions, topped off the water.  After watching the Super Bowl tonight at one of the local places, our plan is to head east to Rum Cay (site of Columbus' second landing, about 9 hours sail from here), to San Salvador (site of Columbus' FIRST landing), and then to Conception Island (not sure when he got there....), and back to Long Island.  We'll have to stay at a marina in both Rum and SS; both islands are too far out into the Atlantic - there is constant ocean swell around the islands, making anchoraging very unpleasant at the best.  The guide books say both marinas have internet, so hopefully we'll be able to connect.  If not, it'll be another week or so.
Heather and Ken are buddy sailing with us, so we won't be alone.  The winds are promised to be light and favorable for the entire trip.  Looking forward to these new islands!

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