Thursday, November 11, 2010

Free for a southern sail!

It's been a long time since the last post.  We had a wonderful summer, including a 3 week trip north, all the way to Prince Edward Island, Canada.  We saw lots of friends and many spectacular places, especially the Bay of Fundy. 
We had lots of wonderful time with our family.  I've loved seeing Heather & Nikki on a more regular basis, even daily.  I'll miss that.
We saw Erin's family in the early summer, at the NC shore.  That was a fun trip, seeing how granddaughter Evelyn has grown.  Luke's older daughter, Lisa, and her family just visited for a few days while headed eastward in their travel trailer. Grandson Simon is all boy!
One sad event, my 51 yr old sister passed away suddenly. She will certainly be missed.  We just returned from a very nice service for her.
Luke's rotator cuff has healed, enough to allow him to sail again.  We plan to go to Deltaville for a few days on Friday, Nov. 12, to start getting the boat ready for the sail.  Latitudes is "on the hard" or out of the water, now. 
We will have a new crew member, little Smokey.She adopted us in October - a skinny little thing who had been dumped near our house.  Hungry and sweet, she won my heart almost immediately.  She's no longer hungry, but as sweet as ever!
Hopefully, by early December, we will be able to have Latitudes back in the water and the three of us will begin our new adventure.  I'll keep our progress posted!

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