Wednesday, February 2, 2011

One last Park post (probably)

We are enjoying the Exuma’s park, but will probably leave here tomorrow morning to go to another Land and Sea Park location, Cambridge.  Unfortunately, there's no internet there.

Last night we joined other cruisers for sundowners on the beach, at the tiki hut. It’s always nice to meet new people and share experiences. Here’s what the crowd wants you to think we look like…

Here’s what we REALLY looked like! EAT! LOL!

This morning we took the dinghy around to the south side of the island to the more deserted beaches of the park.  Very quiet and pretty.  We did see 2 large stingrays.  Really large.

Smokey continues to amaze us (and fuel our fears that she may end up in the water one day). Pent up in the boat for the afternoon, she had cat fits when we returned. Tearing out of the bowels of the boat, one big hop up the steps, ripping across the cockpit, and bounding across the back deck, she made one last huge leap to the stern pulpit railing to continue her last jump into the dinghy. But the dinghy wasn’t hanging at the stern of the boat where it usually lives --- we have it in the water to use. The railing she landed on is about about 1 ½” thick, and runs along the back of the boat, 5 ft up from the water. Somehow she managed to stop short - tail flailing wildly to control her balance – and managed to stand on the railing, turn herself around, and (relatively) gracefully step down onto the stern seat. This morning we saw her hanging over the back of the boat, again standing on a back railing, one paw supporting herself on an upright rail, while the other one tried to reach our solar panels. Just a little nosey, I guess. Sigh.

We won't have internet again until Saturday, when we get to Staniel Cay (for the Super Bowl! TV in the bar!)

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