Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Heading home....

Well, it wasn't the 6 months in the Caribbean  that we had hoped for, but we did have a good trip and a great month in warm, sunny Florida.  Can't complain about that!

The doctor in Miami was wonderful - he completely covered the problem, showed us the tears, swelling, and such on my MRI, talked about the usual surgical options/recovery, and then agreed 100% with us that going home for surgery is absolutely the best idea.  We certainly were leaning strongly towards that anyway, as there IS no place like home, especially when you're sick (or on crutches....).   Our conversation with the Roanoke orthopetic doctor was good and reassured us that we are certainly making the right decision in asking him to do the surgery.

So, goodbye Florida for this winter.  We hope to leave Vero Beach tomorrow and be in Jekyll Island, GA, in 6 days.  Latitudes will stay there for 3-6 months, until we're ready to adventure again.  Friends Phyllis and Peter have generously offered to pick us up in Jekyll and load all of our perishables, clothes, electronics, cat, etc, into their truck and take us back to New Bern for a couple of days while the guys pick up our car.  We will be home in time for me to have blood work, an EKG, physical, etc, on the 23rd, surgery on the 27th.  I'm ready to get it done.

But!  Finally, all is not medical drivel. We did take some time to see a little of Miami yesterday.  Wow, what a madhouse of traffic.  Soooo glad we don't have to content with that every day.  A few snapshots of our side trip -

Miami ---lotsa high-rises

I think every person has boat...

Here is a view of the Miami skyline from Cay Biscayne

No Name Harbor is a part of the state park at the southern end of Cay Biscayne.  Many of the southern bound sailers wait out the weather here, anxious to head further south as soon as he weather permits.  Looks like a good place to us!

So, until next winter....
We'll post as we head north - it's still a beautiful trip, lots to see.  Unfortunately, the weather forecast for the next few days is northerly wind, directly on our nose as we head out.  You just can't beat it sometimes!

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