Sunday, August 19, 2012

Cowboy town Cody and Yellowstone!

First to Cody, WY, honoring William F. Cody, aka Buffalo Bill Cody.  Typical western town - one street that runs through town, stores on both sides.

We really liked it, though, both the town and the campground.  First come, first serve found us a beautiful lakeside place at Buffalo  Bill State Park.  THIS is what the RV sales brochures would have you believe that every campsite looks like.

Smoke each morning at the north end of the river reminded us that there are intense forest fires in both Idaho and Montana.  The smoke drifts this far and is forecast for the next few days.  Reminds us of the Blue Ridge Smokey Mtns.

Once in Cody, we visited - for 2 days - the Buffalo Bill Museum.  Amazing!  From the life of  William F. Cody, aka Buffalo Bill, to the Plains Indians, to the flora and fauna, Western Art, an amazing Yellowstone exhibit, a display of over 2700 rifles and guns - it seemed like at least one of each gun ever made by each manufacturer, AND elaborate dioramas.  Really excellent...

And lectures on birds of prey

That night, Luke was lucky enough to meet Buffalo Bill, himself!

The drunken sheriff wanted to arrest him...

 I, of course, preferred the bad guy with the beads in his beard!

Here is the gang.  It's a street "gun fight" put on each night for charity. Lots of fun.

It's in front of the Irma Hotel, named for Buffalo Bill's daughter.

Onward on Saturday to Yellowstone!  whoo hoo!!!! I never thought I would ever see Yellowstone.  It was just so far away and somewhat unobtainable...  But I'm here!!!!  Wow, so far it's beautiful.  I'm running low on battery, so I'll make this quick.  Here we are en route, along "the most beautiful 52 miles in the US" from Cody to Yellowstone.

After we got settled into our most wonderful wooded site...

we headed for the near-by West Thumb Geyser Basin.  Wow.  Bubbling, smoking, burbling, colorful, 167degree thermal holes!

Deep, clear, blue holes...

Orange holes...

Smokey holes..

And, from 17 miles away, from the edges of Yellowstone Lake, Old Faithful! I CAN'T WAIT to see Old Faithful!!!!!

BTY --- for all of our humidity and heat indexed friends ---humidity of 20%,  35 tonight, 75 tomorrow!

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