Monday, June 2, 2014

The Badlands of South Dakota - and Minuteman Missiles

Wow.... we love this place... Stunning vistas all around .....

And, in addition to all of the beauty, there is exciting history here!  Remember the 60's, when the US undertook a policy of "Mutual Assured Destruction" as a balance of terror with the Soviets? This destruction was based in part on the deployment of over 1000 missiles in silos in ND and SD.  Each missile was carrying the equivalent of 60% of all of the bombs set off in WWII?? Well, hundreds of these missiles were planted in the farm fields of South Dakota.  If you know what you are looking for, you can see them from the interstate.With the START agreement with the Soviets in 1984 (?) over 500 Minuteman II missile silos were deactivated. Of these, what remains is the Minuteman Missile National Historic Site, run by the National Park Service, located right next to the Badlands National Park. The site consists of a visitor center, a launch control site, where the two AF officers both had to use their keys to activate a launch, and a missile silo, complete with disarmed missile, all accessible to the public -- sort of. To tour the control site, you have to be at the visitor center before 8:30AM on the day of the tour to pick up your free ticket for a specific tour reservation that day. And, oh by the way, this tourist attraction is closed on weekends ??? Well, we missed both time filters, so we just had a look at the closed facilities from outside. For details click on
This silo was at the edge of the Badlands.  Today you can get a tour of the Command Post (24 hour shifts below ground strapped into your chair....) and one of this missile site.  Since, they aren't open on weekends, that is for the next trip!
SO much to see --- I can't begin to cover it all.  Check out a couple of websites ---

1 comment:

Wendy said...

So glad you're off to a good start! We'll enjoy following vicariously.