Monday, August 24, 2009

We're safe & sound!

Bill didn't bring much wind to our safe anchorage, but a lot of rain. We've been holed up at the head of Somes Sound, ME (Acadia National Park) since Friday. Unfortunately, there is virtually no cell and internet service here. I'm lucky to have gotten on now. Our plan is to move today, so hopefully, I can do a catch-up blog tonight.
Somes Sound is a 6 mile long, narrow sound (the only fiord in North America along it's banks). It ends as far inland as possible in this area. That's where we and quite a few other boats rode out Bill. The high waves didn't come this far.


Unknown said...

Glad you're safe.

Judy Hedrick said...

I'm so glad to hear that! I've just been watching Weather Channel videos of the waves in Maine...Wow!!