Sunday, August 9, 2009

Stonington & the Wooden Boat Building School

We left Camden as quickly as possible, same day, and sailed quietly to a nice spot, Pulpit Harbor. It's a protected harbor, the entrance guarded by a 100 year old osprey nest, still an active nest.

Then to Stonington after a night's sleep. Stonington is a nice town

lots of fishing boats and a parade of schooners sailing past.

It was a quiet place to pick up mail, have lunch, and walk the pretty streets along the waterfront. oh, and don't forget the shops. There is also a public accessible, state owned island near Stonington that we took the dinghy to. Pretty to explore.

From there to the Wooden Boat Building School. You can take all sorts of classes there, including building your own wooden sailing dinghy, canoe, or kayak.

They have wooden boats on hand, too, for sailing classes or day cruises.

Early afternoon, a squall blew through, so we spent the night moored at the Wooden Boat School, with some picturesque wooden boats.

Next, Acadia National Park, past the lighthouse at Bass Harbor. We enjoyed it last year and wanted to see more of it. We again sailed up the Somes Sound and are anchored at the head of the sound. A short dinghy ride to the dock and a 2 minute walk to the street, and we are on the free bus route all over Mt. Desert Island. You can see Mt. Desert as we approach Somes Sound.

We'll rent bikes on Monday for rides on the carriage trails. Today we're just going to do some exploring.

1 comment:

Judy Hedrick said...

It is so beautiful...and I am once again so envious of your travels in Maine!