Sunday, November 22, 2009

Southward to Morehead City

The weather improved and we left Elizabeth City early -- very early -- on Friday, Nov. 20.

Back into the ICW, along the Alligator River/Pungo River Canal.

We spent a quiet night at the mouth of the canal, passing the E.C. Mayo shrimp processing plant en route.  You can actually tie your boat up here for the night, about $1/ft, a real deal.  Of course, there are no amenities like toilets, but it's a good stop on the ICW.

Then to Oriental.  The plan had been to pick up a part (delivered to the marina by West Marine!).  One of the large marinas had agreed to let us tie up there for 1/2 hr or so to receive the part.  After talking to the dock master as he helped us dock the boat, we were offered the opportunity to stay there for the night at no charge.  We took it!  That meant we could walk into town and have dinner with friends we met at Elizabeth City.

The harbor in Oriental is small and houses shrimp boats, but very oriented for the transiet boaters.  Besides two marinas, boats can anchor out in the tiny harbor.

We left at barely daylight this morning and arrived in Morehead City by 9:30.  It was a usual beautiful sunrise.

We met our friend Michael for lunch and a tour of town.  With luck and a good weather window, we'll leave tomorrow afternoon and contine the trek towards more of our southern friends and the Bahamas. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

U guys are amazing always finding great people to lend a hand!Very refreshing. The weather was beautiful Saturday and early Sunday here...we attended an out door oyster roast cocktail party Sunday it was cool but we were dressed for it and we really enjoyed outdoor event this time of the year and it was at 5:00 Sunday was a surprisingly FUN thing...they had an outdoor fireplace and the wood smoke,the oysters, wine, etc...made for a nice Sunday evening. Miss u and we are watching daily for posts! Take Care and ENJOY!