Monday, November 9, 2009

Waiting in Deltaville

oh, well, so much for good intentions....the weather forecast for Wednesday/Thursday is awful.  40-50mph wind gusts, steady 20-25mph wind, and rain.  We've talked about it and decided that if we have to wait out that kind of weather, we'd much rather be here, safe and sound at our dock in Deltaville than at an unknown anchorage with a lot of other boats.  This is the peak time of the year for the cruising snowbirds to be headed down the ICW.  We aren't sure how many we'd find, but you can be sure, every one of them will be at the safest anchorage possible - exactly where we'd want to be.  And not everyone is as good at anchoring as we are.  We don't want someone dragging into us.  Also, locks and bridges don't open in high wind. So, we'll stay put.  Our plan is to drive to Norfolk today (Monday) to see Judy via car instead of via boat.  When we do leave, probably Thursday or Friday, we'll just leave really early and push for a long day, hopefully making it to the first Dismal Swamp lock (Deep Creek) if the weather/current cooperate.
oh, yes, and there is juuuust a little fog this morning...These are the boats beside us at the dock.

1 comment:

Kayakbanker said...

Good plan on staying put. It is dark, pouring rain and foggy on our Mountain. Bagged the RAC and left work for home around 6. Off tomorrow for Veterans Day. May go over and see if Lorrie needs help on her new store. They are hoping to open before Turkey Day. Take care.