Saturday, December 1, 2012


"Nesting" sounds so much better than carting our crap from the car to the boat!

Safely in Jekyll, the boat is in great shape, and we just have to do a few things like put all of our crap in it, put up the dodger/bimini, test & buy new boat batteries, wash the boat, change oil and filters, clean the 2 water intake filters, etc, etc.

This is a tiny bit of the galley stuff that we brought - need to buy more when we do our provisioning.

Luke took up the project of washing the exterior.  Lottsa bird stuff, but not as much as we anticipated.  Latitudes looks so much better now!

Smoke took a few refresher tours through the boat and quickly remembered that she luuvvvvs the floor of the cockpit, especially if she can get a good tummy rub in the process. Lazy lug.  That  open port at her back feet is her favorite "slap the head that walks by" vantage point.

All is going as expected.  We will go to Savannah on Monday.Tuesday to see sister-in-law Beth and some friends there.  We will put new batteries in on Tuesday and hope to set sail maybe late in the week.

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