Sunday, January 26, 2014


We finally wore shorts today; briefly, but we wore them!  80 tomorrow...mmmmm.....happy!

Long time friends Ange and Ray visited yesterday.  She is a wonderful cook and brought home-made soup and cake, along with cheeses, crackers, and beers. Ange, we finished the soup last night and the cake today!  thanks!

Again, no pictures...we are slipping.  I need to be more diligent about taking pictures.

Today, laundry and showers.  Clean linens and clothes and bodies are always nice.

Unfortunately, our ever faithful dinghy engine has been misbehaving lately.  It just doesn't want to start or run smoothly (or at all).  We've always managed to get back and forth to the boat, but there is definitely a problem. Today Luke changed the fuel filter and spark plugs to no avail.  Looks like a call to a service technician tomorrow is due.  Oh, well, I guess that will just have to happen while we are awaiting the return of our chart plotter.  Always something...

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