Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Yes, it's cold down here, too

17 this morning...thermal underwear...2 pairs of socks...thermal lined jeans...shirt...2 sweatshirts...coat...ski neck warmer....ski cap...ski gloves...yes, we were warm!  The ropes tied to the dock were frozen stiff - made it interesting to cast off this morning.

The day was sunny and our enclosure did its work.  That is, after I used my hair dryer to melt the frost off of the inside of it!  It warmed up inside nicely.  Within an hour or so we shed our hats, gloves, neck warmers, and coats.  Smoke just lazed in the sun.

She did discover that the Evil Tail followed her to the boat.  It loves to taunt her from just outside of the enclosure, often putting the plastic between Tail and Cat.

We had intentions of going to Wrightsville Beach today.  Almost got there.  Our route has 4 bridges, each of which must open for us.  The first one was very slow, 8 minutes to open.  Too cold.  The second was fine.  About 2 miles from the third, we heard a Coast Guard announcement that the bridge was experiencing problems and would not be opening for vessels!  Now WHAT do you do!?  Can't just pull off at the next exit.  So we motored back 10 miles to the nearest marina.  10 miles for us, for reference, is almost 2 hours.  Nice marina - we are the only boat here that has anyone one it. The view is beautiful.

The temperature never hit 30 today and the water was a brisk 45.  Latitudes has a layer of ice on her side, even after motoring all day.  Never seen that before!

We are plugged into shore power yet again, creating a comfy environment.  13 tonight....fun again tomorrow... but the high is supposed to be in the mid 40's, low tomorrow in the high 20's, so as the weather improves and we head further south, it gets better.

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