Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Missing Bobbie

Smokey and I wake up each morning missing Bobbie

She's been in Charlotte for five days now, with her father in the hospital. She and sister-in-law Beth have been determining what's best for him, preparing to move him into a nursing home, downsizing his world, etc.

On Sunday, long time family friends Ange and Ray came to visit, and submitted to my very first selfie.

While the time I babysit the boat and Smokey drags on, Sunday afternoon masses of racing sailboats return like birds to roost.

Miami City Hall is very close to the marina, and is in the building that was the Pan AM Airline terminal for their flying boats connecting Miami to the Caribbean and South America in the early 1930s. These are a couple of Sikorski "Pan American Clipper" flying boats tied up to the terminal, now city hall.

Bobbie has had her father moved from the hospital, where he was "under observation" into a nursing home. He has been enrolled in a rehabilitation program. Time will tell how that goes. I have been standing by to drive to Charlotte with Smokey to help out. However, the forecast winter storm heading for the southeast has caused a daily slip in that plan. Depending on Bobbie's father's progress, Bobbie may simply return to Miami, or I may head north late this week.

Meanwhile, Smoky has decided that I may be qualified to provide attention after all, as she eyes me from her "rub me" spot.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I liked your post! Very poetic. I hope that you and Bobbie can be together again soon.