Sunday, March 9, 2014

SAILING to Rodriguez Key!

We left the much quieter No Name Harbor anchor field early this morning ...well, later than we planned.  Daylight Savings Time sneaked up on us! 

Our route to the Keys is between the southern coast of the Keys and the more southern outer band of coral reefs that follows the Keys' shores.  This is called Hawks Channel.  The inside route, the one between coastal FL and the Keys is wide but shallow.  Friends tried this route the last two days and swore "never again!" That encouraged us to take Hawks Channel!

We left in light winds.  But they were winds from the best direction, so we were actually able to sail for about half of the trip.  whoo hoo!!!  Now, I admit, we sailed slowly, about 4 knots, but we sailed all the same.  With no real time constraints, we were content to sail.

A nice 7 hours later, we had traversed the 44 miles and approached our anchorage for the night, Rodriguez Key.  Rodriguez Key is really just a small island south of Key Largo.  It's beautiful, though, and reminds us of the Bahamas that we are missing (well, without the clear aqua water...and mahi...)

Smoke always comes out to the bow of Latitudes to help me both hoist the anchor and to drop it.  Tonight she was especially helpful i.e. she really wanted attention and a serious tummy rub. 

Of course, after a good tummy rub comes a good bath.

Sunset over the Keys - I thought this was my favorite picture.

But then Luke caught the fire in the sky as the sun finally completely set behind the horizon.  Wow!

And one last picture.  I wish I had thought of this one of dad earlier.  It is from his visit last Christmas - I like it. And I miss him.

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