Friday, June 16, 2017

Mildew be Gone!

And it is gone!  After 9 days of diligent cleaning, Latitudes is finally mildew free.  What a pain!  But it is nice to have a sparkling clean boat.  The last frontier was the flooring; it is DONE!

Luke continues to concentrate on the outside work.  He is patching flaking paint spots on the keel, preparing them for paint.

I did walk to the market on Thursday.  Bought some fresh organic lettuce, local maple syrup, and local feta goat cheese...or maybe it's goat feta cheese.  Anyway, bought it.

Spring is definitely out in Rockland.  Lupines are in bloom everywhere there is a patch of grass.

The weather was balmy and warm a few days ago - into the mid 80s - the Mainers were melting! The last two days have been cooling, mid 60s today, mid 50s at night, cloudy and drizzle at times. One of the few good things about living "on the hard" is that we have endless electricity, including electric heat.

I walked past a barbershop - the picture just doesn't do it justice, but honestly, it looked like he'd given the spruce outside of the shop a recent haircut!  Everything was clipped off clean and neat.

I spent time taking Smokey to the vet this morning.  Her ears were "dirty", tiny dark spots and some scabbing where she has been scratching them. I was afraid it might be ear mites.  Oh no, "seasonal allergies".  Such a Princess....The vet cleaning them well and put drops in.  I'll be doing that for the next 10 days.  She does seem to feel better - no scratching this afternoon.

A lot of boat prep still to do, including buying new anchor chain and installing it.  Out launch date is Wednesday, but rain is forecast until Tuesday. That doesn't help on getting outside projects done.  I dunno.....

1 comment:

Judy said...

The lupines are beautiful...and some of my favorite flowers!! If you see any seeds later on, save some for me, please.