Thursday, August 25, 2011

Second Post, Same Day...

This is what happens when you sit around in the rain....and have a cute cat.  Don't even bother with this one if you're not a cat person :-)

Remember the tapping-of-the-head game?  Here she is, laying in wait for an unsuspecting head to pass her way.

After a little hands on playing, I threw her a favorite catnip laced toy.  She's posing nicely with it.

THEN.  The fun begins.  She often does this routine - first, you wash the toy vigorously, getting it as wet as possible.

Next, a good face washing, using the now wet toy as a washcloth.

Face freshly scrubbed, now it's time to bite and rabbit-foot the toy.

Worn out from the fun, a good catnip fueled nap is last.

It's raining nicely, supposed to last 12 hours.  Smokey is inside, curled up in one of her nesting places, I'm getting ready to knit, Luke is messing with the computer.  It'll be a lazy afternoon unless the wind picks up.

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