Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Brunch, blue mushrooms, and applesauce

We're still doing the social thing...caught up with Yvonne and Charlie over wine a few nights ago, and then brunch at Ali and Charlie's.  Below is the brunch crowd, all from the neighborhood - Yvonne and Charlie, Connie and Mike, Ali and Charlie, and Luke.  It was a great meal; they are both wonderful cooks.  The getting together of everyone was wonderful.

Next, a dinner at Lois and Gerry's.  They live on a beautiful 100 acres, full of pastures and forests.  With all of the rain, we decided to go mushroom looking.  Lots of red ones, white ones, yellow ones, round ones, and flat ones.  But how about BLUE ones!!!  There were several of these, each about 4 inches across.  The phone camera couldn't do the blue justice.  They are a "little boy blue nursery" blue.

Smokey had a fun trip to the vet who pronounced her healthy.   Not happy, though.  Her little paws sweated the whole way, she hissed about in the examination room, was good for the vet, and then gowled at the kittens in the "adoption room".  Guess she doesn't want a sister....

Nikki came over last night and we made applesauce.  Lots of applesauce! And  had only one broken jar during the processing.  It was fun and we always enjoy seeing her (Smokey doesn't growl at her).  She even spent the night, waiting until this morning to leave and go  work.

A dental appointment today and then we get ready to leave for Charlotte on Friday - dad's first book signing!  I'll also spend time in Savannah and with Heather before I return on Sunday week.

1 comment:

Judy said...

Seems like Nikki is being very domestic...applesauce, sewing...