Friday, September 9, 2011

Ready to leave Onset

As things look right now, we still plan to leave  Onset, MA, in the company of another boat, on Saturday morning.  The waves and wind will have settled and we look good for a run of 2-3 nights, 3-4 days out to sea from here to Norfolk.  When we reach Norfolk we'll either wait out the night or go ahead to Deltaville if we have daylight to do so.  It's a long run, but we will have company and we plan to stay towards shore as much as possible to have internet/cell coverage and to allow us to stop our trip and go into a NJ seaside port if we or the weather change our minds.  We have the usual safety devices ready - emergency raft, a device that alerts the Coast Guard to our exact location if we pull the little trigger, another boat, and 4 days worth of food already prepared!  We'll be fine.  As we have cell/internet, I'll keep you updated on our progress. This has been a wonderful trip, but I do hear home calling softly.

And!!!!  Happy birthday, sweet Smokey!  She's 2 years old today!

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