Monday, June 10, 2013


What a day... it was foggy and heavy rain this morning, so we decided to wait until Tuesday to leave.  Well, by 11:30 the sun was out so we opted to rush and leave today.  We did rush.  Then the darn starter wouldn't.  Some jiggling and swearing later, the RV started.
Down the mountain, attach the car, and 5 miles into town, motoring along on a city street, the RV died.  Engine just quit.  Right in middle of town, blocking an intersection.  aaarrrggg.

And then the rain came.  But not the tow truck. It's a long story, but we will NEVER deal with Bad Sam (used to be called Good Sam) again. Discussions included Luke's threat to publish our "customer service experience" on every social network and RV organization web site he could find. Called at 3 and after 6 we finally were towed the 1.1 miles to the nearest mechanical shop (closed, of course).  The tow guy had to disassemble the drive train in order to release the automatic parking brake before he could tow the RV.  On the bright side, we could have been sitting on  the shoulder of an interstate a hundred miles from the nearest town -- and the darn RV doesn't even have any sails to get you to port!.
So, hoping to hear something about the repair$ needed by 11 ish tomorrow, and on the road again a day later.  We are back at home with the bare necessities (including Smokey!)

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