Friday, May 13, 2016

Back in the water!

Where a boat belongs ---- back in the water! 

Just as soon as the boat yard crew arrived on Thursday morning, the travel lift moved Latitudes back through the boatyard and lowered her gently back into the waters of Broad Creek.

An hour or so to be sure nothing was leaking and everything else was working, and we once more entered the waters of the Chesapeake.

It was a gray, overcast day, but no rain, so Captain Luke was happy.  Heck, he was happy just to be sailing Latitudes again.  Well, we didn't exactly sail.  She is still in need of some things before we can leave for Maine. Like putting the sails back on.  And our enclosure - we were REALLY glad it didn't rain!

I am not sure I would call Skipper Smokey "happy" but she resigned herself to her favorite spot behind a chair, snuggled down in her favorite bed, made especially for her by Auntie Phyllis.

It was a calm, uneventful motor to Fishing Bay, about 3 hours just to go around Stingray Point, the end of the peninsula of Deltaville. We are now also snuggled down in a favorite spot, enjoying living in the boat in the water rather than on the hard, and working to finish our prep work so we can leave for Maine in a week or so. We did get the enclosure up - good thing, as a fast moving rain storm passed through late this afternoon.

Another great thing about yesterday was that boating buddies Mimi and Otto, also traveling northward, arrived in Deltaville.  We had a great dinner and even better time together. Unfortunately, they left this morning, but we will catch up with them within a few days of leaving for Maine.

Tomorrow is the annual Deltaville Seafood Festival!  Hope to have some great, local seafood!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great your back in the water. Have a safe trip.