Wednesday, May 25, 2016

ok, not the best day....

Morning dawned waaay too early -  the Chesapeake gets light about 5:15.....VERY early!

We had a good night, calm after the workboats settled in for the night.  This morning I pulled up the anchor only to find the expected, but dreaded, Chesapeake black mud.  It embeds itself in everything - chain links, anchor, etc, etc.  But that was ok - we have an anchor wash down pump and it did the job.

No wind, but that was ok, too.  We will just motor the 42 miles to The Solomons.  Smokey again howled as the engine started, but when she realized that we weren't rocking and rolling, all was ok. Well, sorta....You judge that face...

She eventually gave up and just hung out.

So now, all is ok, right? We are the only sailboat out there, crossing the northern entrance of the Potomac River into the Chesapeake.  I said "look at that boat - sorta looks like the Coast Guard"
Luke - "it DOES look like the Coast Guard.  Surely they aren't after us..."
Me - Is that blue flashing lights ....?"
Luke -  (^*)^!!

Sure, enough, in an admitted effort to satisfy their quota, they came scooting out after us to do an "under way" boarding for a "safety check". That means we kept sailing while they kept inspecting.

The did ask if we would permit them to board and do the inspection, but you know, there really isn't a lot of option then! LOL  The men were very professional and polite, and we were fully compliant. To further fill their quota, they asked if they could inspect our dinghy! We said "sure".  As they left, they thanked us for letting them board us. In his inimitable way, Luke asked if we really had any choice -- and got somewhat of an ambivalent answer. Smoke was terrified.  This isn't THE boat, but very similar. Didn't think to ask if we could take pictures..... AND now we are good for 6 months!

A barge pushing TONS of gravel crossed out path, heading south.  Not sure why anyone would carry this much gravel south, but it is a lot of gravel and it must be worth it. Not a good process for a windy day!

We passed the Smith Point Light. First built in 1897, this caisson lighthouse is still an active light.  Here is the history.

Want to buy it? 4 bedrooms, quite a view...she was for sale.  Not sure now.

A big dragonfly caught a ride with us.

Into the Solomons, MD, we motored.  Grabbed a really nice anchorage after getting gas for the dingy.
The Solomons is FULL of all sorts of boats.  Friends Joe and Ret keep their identical boat here, but they are on a lovely riverboat cruise in Eastern Europe right now.

The dingy was finally lowered into the water and did a fine job of taking us the couple of miles to the ice cream shop.  When we left to come home, the dinghy outboard motor was not so cooperative. She sputtered, died, and everything else.  Luke nursed the motor into getting us back to the boat.  By the time we got home, she seemed to be running ok again. Turpentine smell -- maybe remnants of old gas.

Then one final bit of fun - one of the bottles in a bin of 13 miscellaneous boat potions leaked into a storage bin.  Fortunately, they were all IN a bin and it wasn't too hard to find the empty bottle and clean everything else.  But it was a game of guess.

Back on the boat now,  dinner over with, the air is cooling down, and it really is almost time for a good nights sleep.  Tomorrow mild winds from the south, Annapolis here we come!

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