Monday, May 23, 2016

Missed approach....or is it "missed departure"...

There is an old nautical saying "gentlemen don't sail to windward".  That means they don't sail the boat directly into the wind, resulting in a pounding, miserable ride.  Well, they don't and neither do gentlewomen.  And gentle cats don't sail at all if they can just live on the boat at the dock, watching the water and such.

The winds didn't die down as predicted.  It will be blowing about 14 - 20 knots from the north (the direction we are going) in the Chesapeake.  Definitely not a time to go to windward.

We will uncover the car and go sight seeing around Norfolk, cover her again this evening, and make another try tomorrow.  Such is sailing....

1 comment:

Judy said...

Sorry I'm not there to tour around with you...or at least to give you a different place to hang out!