Tuesday, May 24, 2016

We have set sail at last!

Today dawned with beautiful, sunny skies and gentle winds.  Perfect!  By 9:30, we had gathered our shore lines off the dock and onto the boat, and slowly drifted down the creek, towards the Chesapeake.  Ruarks Marina and her sailboats began to disappear.

Smokey howled in protest when the engine started, but then just watched woefully.

Captain Luke was delighted!  And I was certainly ready to begin the adventure.

The navigation chart in my tablet worked fine.  I DO miss the chart plotter, as that is what I am accustomed to using, but we had no trouble at all with the tablet. In fact, the newer system has several features that are easier to use. The temporarily taped on "Raymarine" cover is a place holder for our soon to be returned chart plotter.

We SAILED!  The wind was from the right direction and not too strong.  We sailed about 3 hours of the 5 hour trip.  It was wonderful to glide silently across the water.  Even Smoke resigned herself and watched the watery world go by.

The wind did die down later and we had to motor the rest of the way, but it was a great way to start the trip.

As we left the Rappahannock River area, the menhaden boats were working.  There were at least 5, probably 7 of them.

The large "mother boats" carry small boats that take out the nets to encircle the schools of menhaden.  Usually a small airplane scouts the area for the schools of fish.  This was happening in shallow water, maybe 25 feet deep. This is a Menhaden mother ship speeding to the right spot. Note the small boats for net deployment on its stern.

At anchor at last, my loyal and somewhat trusty cat always helps me set the anchor.  After the anchoring is done, a good tummy rub and undivided attention is expected.

Our view from the boat is water and a bit of scrubby bushes on a spit of land. Quite lovely, actually.

We have all 3 been relaxing in the gentle motion of the anchored boat.  Recently, the gentle motion has become a bit more rolling.  We think work boats are coming home from their day of fishing and we are catching their wakes after they pass.  I am sitting below to do my blog and I can hear the deep rumble of a big motor now. Hopefully, they will all return home soon!  The night will be calm.


Steve said...

Hi Bobby and Luke. Congratulations on getting away. Was Sean helpful or did you ever get up with him?

Steve said...

Hi Bobby and Luke. Congratulations on getting away. Was Sean helpful or did you ever get up with him?